We always welcome Volunteers!
If you have a heart for children, we hope you will consider volunteering with our Children’s Ministry here at WCPC through:
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Children’s fellowship programs
To help with any of these programs, contact our Director of Children’s Ministries, Susan Duncan, to get involved. sduncan@wcpc-tx.org or 281-363-2040, Ext. 6.
A completed Volunteer Form and Background Check Form (links on this page) are required. Please also review our WCPC Child Protection Policy. Susan will contact you with other information pertinent to your area of interest and regarding the required Child Protection training.
Sunday School planning begins each August, but we need new volunteers every quarter! During the school year we strive to have several volunteers each Sunday on every school grade level team. Then it is easier for volunteers to rotate out of the classroom one Sunday each month.
We also need a couple of special people to help with children’s fellowship opportunities during the school year.

In order to create a safe and secure environment, all staff and volunteers working with children at WCPC undergo a background check prior to working directly with our children.