Sunday Morning Nurseries
Nurseries are provided at WCPC for children ages birth through 5-6 years old as follows:
- Sleepers nursery is Infants for birth through steadily walking located in the Hendricks Building, room 309
- Explorers nursery is for children 18 months to 3-4 years (and fully potty trained) located in the Hendricks Building, room 308
- Preschool nursery for children ages 3-4 to 5-6 years located in the Hendricks Building room 307
Select Mondays WCPC offers Drop and Go Nursery for children 12 months-7 years by reservation to Susan Duncan. Space is limited. January 24th and 31st are the future dates.
Preschool nursery available for children 4-6 years old after the children’s message in worship. They are chaperoned to the Charles Hendricks Education Building room 307 and cared for by nursery staff during the rest of worship. These children hear a Bible story, and do activities, then have a snack and brief recess time on the playground while their parents attend the rest of worship.
Please start the process of keeping children older than 6 or 7 (depending on your child’s developmental maturity) in the worship service. A worship class that teaches children about worship is offered once a month on the 4th Sunday of the month during the first couple of years of this transition.
At WCPC, children are welcome in worship and invited to participate fully in singing in our children’s choirs, ringing hand chimes, serving as acolytes, and taking communion.
Once a year we have a Children’s Sabbath where the children lead and serve in all parts of worship and are prepared for this role in Sunday school and choir. We also have special times like Scout Sunday, The Family Christmas Eve service and VBS Sunday where the children participate and lead.
All Children’s nurseries have Christian toys, books, music and puzzles to play with during church nursery time.
The children in these nurseries are cared for by loving adults trained each year in CPR and First Aid and required to attend other child development and church nursery staff training meetings.