Stephen Ministry
The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church has a strong history of providing quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care for those who are hurting through our Stephen Ministry program.
You play an important role in our Stephen Ministry. Here are some things you can do:
- Pray for God to bring hope and healing to hurting people through our Stephen Ministry
- Accept care from a Stephen Minister during your time of need. God does not expect you to bear your burdens alone.
- Tell a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who is hurting about our Stephen Ministry.
People are drawn to ministry opportunities where they can make a positive difference in people’s lives. Stephen Ministry offers a powerful way to do just that. Stephen Ministers meet regularly with their care receivers in order to accompany them through a difficult time in life – grief, divorce, job loss, illness, or some other challenging life experience. If you are a compassionate person and a good listener, prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister.
A training class of new Stephen ministers is underway this fall of 2025 as more members become involved in the high-quality, distinctively Christian care of Stephen Ministry.
For more information about Stephen Ministry or to request a Stephen Minister,
please contact one of our Pastors or Stephen Leaders.
WCPC Pastors
Rev. Dr. David Jones
281-363-2040, Ext. 1
Rev. Laura Grice
Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
and Mission
281-363-2040, Ext. 2

WCPC Stephen Leaders
Becky Carlson
Bruce Garthwaite
Rev. Laura Grice
Tom Stelter