Welcome to Peezy’s Blog


W. C. Peezy is the official Praying Mantis of the
WCPC Creation Care Team.
CCT Peezy with logo

“I post messages a lot. So come back to see me often!”


Peezy’s March/April 2020 Post

I am a little jealous of pollinators. Why? Because people LOVE them! Pollinators like bees, butterflies and other insects are essential for the health of plants; plants that are beautiful and plants that are delicious. People even grow special flowers to attract pollinators. My diet includes insects, some of which are pollinators. So sometimes I get into trouble. But I have other good qualities! Really! I promise!


Peezy’s January/February 2020 Post

There are some things that you always put in the trash. One example is dental floss. It is good that you use dental floss! But please do not flush it down the toilet. Why? Because dental floss really gums up (ha!) the works in wastewater systems. It never breaks down and causes big tangles and clogs in the system. I guess the bottom line is that we do not use our toilets or sinks as trash cans. I can remember that.


Peezy’s November/December 2019 Post

What is an un-paper towel? This is a good question to ask a grandparent, because they have great old-school answer. Cloth is what they used all the time for clean up around the house. Cloth rags do a really good job of cleaning and soaking up spills. And you just throw them into the wash with the clothes. Each time you use cloth instead of paper, you are doing something good. And it is EASY PEEZY!


Peezy’s September/October 2019 Post

News Flash! The Precinct 3 Recycling Center on Pruitt Road now takes all kinds of clean Styrofoam. Yay! Those to-go containers, egg cartons and coffee cups just need a little wash to avoid going in the trash. Helpful hint: If you bring packing peanuts, please use a container you can leave with the center. Those little buggers like to fly all over the place when they are transferred! I really love this new development.

Peezy’s July/August 2019 Post

The heat is upon us, and it is time to get in shape! Yes, your body; we all need that. But also your irrigation sprinklers. Are they spraying the concrete? Are any heads broken? Is there a leak? Is the timer set for only your watering days? Are you faithful about turning them off when it rains? Have you looked into the benefits of drip irrigation? So many ways to save our precious water. Now let’s just do it!

Peezy’s June 2019 Post

Food cartons come in two types, shelf-stable (juice, milk, soy milk, soup, broth, wine) and refrigerated (milk, juice, cream). They are made of paper, plastic, and sometimes aluminum. These wonderful containers have a great product-to-packaging ratio, and they are specially made for recycling. Really! So rinse them out well and toss into your recycling bin. You are doing a good thing!