MyWCPC is a great tool for you to stay on top of what is going on in our Church and it provides an easy way for you to support the church’s ministries. Below are just a few of the things you can do through MyWCPC:
- Update your Personal Photo so everyone will know who you are!
- Keep us updated on your address, phone numbers, email addresses.
- Give online and have access to your giving history.
- Get access to a directory of The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church members (names are shown only by permission).
To get the full functionality of MyWCPC you need to be in our church directory. You will use your email address, as well as your first and last name, for the system to “find” you. Make sure you set up your login with a secure password!
MyWCPC utilizes the AccessACS online financial system.
Below is a link to a few frequently asked questions.
Please contact Bob McArdle in the church office if you have additional questions.