Interfaith of the Woodlands
Interfaith of the Woodlands is a nonprofit organization of religious communities in The Woodlands that works to build a more loving and caring community through service. As a member congregation, WCPC actively participates in the following Interfaith programs:

Copperwood Senior Birthday Party/Bags – Every year WCPC celebrates the August birthdays of the disabled and elderly residents of the Copperwood Apartments.
English as a Second Language (ESL) – WCPC houses Interfaith’s ESL classes on the church campus.
“Gifts for Seniors” – WCPC collects donated gifts for seniors as part of the Angel Tree project at Christmas.
Interfaith Food Pantry (IFP) – WCPC collects non-perishable food, infant products including diapers and formula, personal hygiene items, paper products, and cleaning supplies throughout the year for the IFP to distribute to those in need.
Veggie Village – WCPC provides volunteers for the community donation garden as well as plastic vegetable and fruit containers used for produce distribution to those in need.
For more information on the Interfaith of the Woodlands, click here.
In addition to the programs listed above, WCPC supports Interfaith of the Woodlands through the Benevolence budget. Watch future WCPC publications and the MOT Bulletin Board for volunteer opportunities.
Mission Outreach Team Bulletin Board