How To Become a Member

How?    We offer a series of new member classes (Welcome! classes) once per quarter for those interested in learning more about WCPC.  You will have the opportunity to meet members of the staff, as well as other members who represent many of the ministry teams of the church.  You will also learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA)

When?   Classes are held during the Sunday school hour on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Where?  In the Hendricks Building (CHEB) just the other side of the west parking lot from our sanctuary.
Questions?   Call the church office at 281-363-2040 (press 0 for the receptionist) for further information or email Pastor David Jones at
The next series of Welcome! classes:  Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 and March 4
While attendance is not required for membership it does provide an overview of the ministry and mission of WCPC.
Those who choose to become members will meet with the Session (the governing body of our church) to be received into membership.
Members may join by:
  • profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
  • by reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
  • or by transfer of letter from another congregation.