Posted on 1Nov CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
When I was just a wee nymph, my mother told me, “Little things add up.” And now that I am older, I see that it is so true. Like the other day when I heard about our church’s Facility Energy Audit. We learned lots of ways we can save energy. Some of the ways save bunches of energy and other ways save just little bits. I think my mom would say, “Do even the small things, because they add up!” I love my mom!
Posted on 1Oct CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
I was crawling around the other day and saw a very funny-looking trash can. It had a hole in the lid! And there was some writing on the side. I don’t know how to read. What is it for? Then a little girl came along and put a plastic bottle in it. After that a boy put a drink can in it. Hmmmm…..I wonder if it is a recycle can. Would you check on that? Maybe we can all use it for recycling at church. Awesome!
Posted on 1Sep CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
The other day as I was crawling around the church parking lot I noticed clouds of smoke in the air. It made me cough! Where did it come from? I did not have to look very far, because I was standing right next to a car that was idling. I moved away FAST! I can think of two reasons for everyone to turn off their car motors when they have to wait. Can you? The answers are below. I hope you get 100%!
Answer: Breathing auto fumes is not good for insects and people. And turning off your engine helps to save energy.
Posted on 1Aug CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
Hey everybody! Did you know that the kids at Vacation Bible School this summer had a Beach Party? What fun! They learned so many things. And one of those was how they can really make a difference by picking up trash. Trash is not just ugly. It can also be hurtful to animals and even people. It was sad to see pictures of animals that had eaten or got tangled in trash. Anyway, I’m am on a campaign to be a super star trash-picker-upper. So I got this really handy grabber. I am going to go around and pick up trash wherever I see it. And, even when I don’t have my grabber, I’ll do it too. You can be a super star trash-picker-upper too!
Posted on 30Jul CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
Peezy’s Blog
This blog is maintained the WCPC Creation Care Team.
“I post a message every month.
So come back to see me often!”
W. C. Peezy is the official
Praying Mantis of the
WCPC Creation Care Team
The summer heat is here, and that makes me thirsty! Did you know that plastic drink bottles too often end up collecting in our oceans? And they never go away. Marine animals often eat the plastic pieces. Yuck! I want to keep our waters clean and safe. So I got this super cool water bottle. I can use it all summer, over and over again. It has Mickey Mouse on the front. If you get a water bottle, you help our oceans, too.
Posted on 1Jul CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
The summer heat is here, and that makes me thirsty! Did you know that plastic drink bottles too often end up collecting in our oceans? And they never go away. Marine animals often eat the plastic pieces. Yuck! I want to keep our waters clean and safe. So I got this super cool water bottle. I can use it all summer, over and over again. It has Mickey Mouse on the front. If you get a water bottle, you help our oceans, too.
Posted on 1Jun CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
New habits can be good! One habit I have is to pray before meals. But that is easy, since I am a praying mantis – it’s what I do! I am working on a new habit, and you can join me. Here it is: Every time you leave a room, reach over and turn off the light. Yep. It’s not hard to do. It’s just hard to remember. But every time you remember, you save a little bit of energy, and that leaves more for another day. Good idea, huh?
Posted on 1May CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
Reduce, Reuse and….(do you remember?)… Recycle, no helmet needed! You got it, and this one gets easier every day. Even at the church, where we have recycle bins for you. Glass, aluminum and steel cans, paper of all sorts, and plastics (numbers 1-5 and 7). Just be sure you have cleaned off all the food and sticky goop. It’s not hard. And it helps keep our world a better place to live for you (and also for your very favorite and cute insect). Thanks for listening. See you next month!
Posted on 1Apr CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
Remember what we learned about the 3 R’s? I’m sure you are working on the first one, Reduce. Now let’s get really creative! This one is FUN! Reuse. When you are finished with something you can throw it in the trash or recycle bin. What is even better? Using or sharing it! Make it something new and different that it wasn’t in the first place. And, you can reuse packaging and containers. Your trash may well be someone else’s treasure. All it takes is thinking for a minute before you reach for the trash can lid!
Posted on 1Mar CATEGORIES: Creation Care Team
Okay, today we learn about Reduce. No, no…not your weight! Your trash. You see, the very best way of living “creation-friendly” is to reduce the amount of stuff that you by in the first place. Yes, this is even better than reusing and recycling! Think about packaging, for example. The mountains of plastic bags that just cart food from store to home. Or single use drink bottles. One use and then BOOM! They are trash. You humans are smart, and I know you can come up with great ways to reduce. Let’s start today!