Sunday Morning

Connecting Through the Bible 
led by Sue Watkins and Dave Watkins and Neville Walker  
A fun, interactive discussion of ways we can connect with God. Great for those new or well-versed in Bible Study. This class meets in hybrid format, online and in person in room 301. Please contact Dave Watkins for information or a Zoom link. 


Texts in Context 

led by Bob Campbell 
This class digs deeply into the day’s Revised Common Lectionary readings to increase our understanding, enhance our worship experience and equip ourselves  and each other to apply these biblical lessons in our daily lives. This class meets in a hybrid format, online and in person in room 303. Please contact Bob Campbell for information or a Zoom link. 

The Wired Word 
led by class members 
This class explores current events from the perspective of the Christian faith. This class meets in room 302. Please contact David Jones for information. 


Christianity and History 

Led by Bill McCleary and Joe Christoffel 

This class explores topics of church history and related subjects – from archeology to the evolution of Biblical belief among early church movements.  The class views and discusses video series by noted scholars. This class meets in room 304.Please contact Joe Christoffel for information. 


Women Living in Faith Together (L.I.F.T.) 

contact Patty Ahern 

This group explores how to live a faithfully in our lives and our world, and to support one another in this endeavor. This class meets in the Parlor. Please contact Patty Ahern for information. 



Youth Sunday School  

7th-12th grades 

The Sunday School class for 9th-12th graders is held in the Youth Room. Leaders this year are Rebekah Rydarowski and Nancy Hathaway. Our time will begin with a game and be followed by faith discussions. Everyone seems to enjoy the fun, conversations, and sharing of our questions. Please join us,& bring a friend! 

 We look forward to seeing you!!  


Children’s and Tweens Sunday School  

Meets at 9:45am-10:50am every Sunday morning in the Children & Youth Education Building. We sing or chime with the music team or hear Godly Play stories alternate Sundays.  Email Susan at for more information. 


Youth Group Bible Study and Fellowship 

Meets Sunday evening from 6-7:30pm.  All students in grades 7-12 are welcome! 

Email to sign up for the REMIND texts to keep in the loop on all the fun things the youth are doing.  




Women’s Bible Study 
Led by members of the group, in addition to weekly Bible study of a selected book of the Bible, this group supports one another through sharing joys, concerns, and lifting one another in prayer. New members are always welcome! This group meets in room 301 from 9:30-11:30am. Please contact Ann Fleischman for information. 


Moms’ Group 
Primarily mothers of school-aged children, this group meets regularly for fellowship, mission, and Bible study. They meet in the Youth Room/ CE200 from 9:30-11:30am.Please contact Stephanie Keiser for information. 



The Tuesday Morning Circle 
This women’s group meets for Bible study and fellowship September through May on the first Tuesday of each month. This Presbyterian Women’s circle frequently uses Horizons Bible Study materials. Leadership is shared. This group meets in the church parlor from 10-11:30 am. Please contact Jane Chesney for information. 


Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study Group 
led by Rev. Dr. David Jones 
This group meets to study the Bible text for the upcoming sermon our pastor will be delivering.  They meet Wednesday mornings 7:30-8:30 am in hybrid format, online and in room 301. Please contact David Jones for information or a Zoom link. 


Wednesday Morning Study Group 
contact Sylvia Campbell 

The Wednesday Study Group undertakes a wide variety of studies, usually with video lecture for guidance. The discussion leadership is shared. This group enjoys the participation of church members and people from outside the WCPC membership alike. This group meets most Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:30am in hybrid format, online and in room 301. Please contact Sylvia Campbell for information or a Zoom link. 


Wednesday Evening Men’s Bible Study Group 
led by Rev. Dr. David Jones 
This group meets to study the Bible text for the upcoming sermon our pastor will be delivering.  They meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at Crust Pizza in the Panther Creek Shopping Center at 6:30pm. Please contact David Jones for information. 



Circle of Blessings- Women’s Circle 
This women’s group meets for Bible study and fellowship September through May on the third Thursday of each month. This Presbyterian Women’s circle frequently uses Horizons Bible Study materials. This group meets in hybrid format, online (by request and in room 303. Please contact Debra Martinez for information or a Zoom link.